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The first and only SAP qualified partner-packaged solution of its kind in the UK!

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Did you know that Absoft ADIMA is the first and ONLY SAP qualified partner-packaged solution of its kind in the UK for discrete manufacturing?

Meet Absoft ADIMA – The name meaning and origin explains that ADIMA is “Noble, Renowned”.

In the world of Manufacturing and SAP the name means: “The Future of ERP for Small and Medium Enterprise Manufacturing Companies – A-dvanced DI-screte MA-nufacturing”(Get it?).

Absoft Adima is the first and ONLY SAP qualified partner-packaged solution of its kind in the UK for discrete manufacturing

Absoft ADIMA meets the needs of, and drives efficiency within, small & medium enterprise manufacturing companies. Built to mobilise your workforce, maximise your machine usage and automate your procurement process, all whilst cutting down your labour costs. A manufacturing specific ERP system that gives you real-time information across all areas of your business – one system, one source of the truth.

Available in cloud-based or on-premise variants Absoft Adima is based on SAP’s latest version of its world class ERP offering, S/4HANA. SAP S/4HANA is taking ERP into the digital ages and Absoft ADIMA leverages that power to enhance performance on the shop floor, the top floor and to improve your bottom line with an implementation in as little as 12 weeks.

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